El ajuste perfecto, por el Dr. Mark Cucuzzella

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Proper Fit by Dr. Mark Cucuzzella
A la mayoría de nosotros nos han enseñado durante toda nuestra vida que tenemos una talla de calzado . Pero ¿alguna vez se te ocurrió pensar que en realidad tenemos una talla de pie ? La mayoría de las personas han pasado toda su vida usando zapatos de talla incorrecta. Un calzado que se ajuste bien te dará el ancho suficiente para que tu pie se expanda cuando entre en contacto con el suelo sin apretar ni pellizcar ninguna parte del pie. Para aprender todo sobre la forma correcta de calzar tus pies, consulta el blog del Dr. Mark en el Natural Running Center.
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2 comentarios

Hi Dr…My husband and I attended Low Carb USA this year for the 3rd time and always fine learnings and inspiration from you. We started a facebook group in the 55+ community we live in in Florida just 4 weeks ago and have over 110 followers. Not sure where this will go just yet. Some time after our first in-person meeting, I’m going to propose we think about developing a community project such as Grandparents Against Obesity or Eat Better The Villages. Who knows. Anyway I’m wondering if you might share your Fun and Food book for us to use or just springboard from. Thank you in advance. So grateful for all you do in the Low Carb space. Kind Regards, Duke and MJ

Mary Jane Mihajlovic

Hello Mark,

I just moved to the area and visited your store yesterday; as well as participated with the run group JAG aka Bro and Bras. Great group. Very welcoming. I am interested in your shoe fitting. I have several things going on with my feet and am trying to get and stay injury free. Can you provide me more information.

Thank you.

Pam Eisert

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